Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Straight from Jami

"Black cease in Crime Wave"

Jami Marl Films is now in pre-production for "Omillio Sparks in Crime Wave"

Jami's on the Rant about haters

Straight from Jami

 People will generally hate on you, that's a given and we have to deal with it, you can't really change it, you can only do what is best for you, but some haters are the blindest people around. I know a young moron around 20 years old, he's a loser, his father's a loser, his brother's a loser, his mother's a loser, and he can only get loser girlfriends, because he only ants a fem who will stay below his foot so he can feel like a man. The boi is a joke,  he has people who are so dependant on him for weed who would normally check him, but otherwise just says nothing. Well, he is one of my haters, a hater I don't mind, because I know how fucked up his life is and most of all, most importantly, will be. He doesn't work, has no intentions of working, but lives off of taking advantage of people namely his dumb girlfriend who for now doesn't mind taking care of him, and lets face it, its easy for her, they both live where they don't have to pay rent (get it if you can :)   This guy has made irresponsible comments about myself and other artist he THINKS he knows, but often a young and dumb person can't see their own destruction especially when they are doing it to themselves. My advice to you is when people hate on you, let them, they are in much more desert than you are. And lets face it, we need our haters, they motivate us better than anything else.